Tuesday 17 June 2008

Chris Brown Lavish Gift to Rihanna

Rihanna has apparently received a lavish ruby and diamond necklace as a gift from Chris 'he's not my boyfriend' Brown.

Brown reportedly splurged a whopping $100,000 on Rihanna at Beverly Hills jeweler Jason's.

"Chris went for the heart theme," said jewellery designer Jason Arasheben. "He said: 'She's going to love this because she loves hearts'."

Rihanna was said to love the gift so much that she's ordered a diamond-encrusted cross for Chris in return.

Rihanna and Chris have consistently denied they are dating, despite being photographed getting cosy in a pool on holiday earlier this year. Rihanna said: "We are best friends... like brother and sister. I won't say that we're just friends - me and Chris are really best, best friends."

Even Chris denies it. "People keep asking me, 'What's the deal?', I'm like, 'There's no deal...' We're just friends."

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